
Featured Project: Next.js Blog with MongoDB

Featured Project

Next.js CMS Blog with MongoDB

A serverless web application that utilizes Next.js and MongoDB to create a custom-built content management system for managing and publishing blog content.
Next.jsMongoDBTailwindCSSStripe APICloudinary
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Featured Project: MERN Stack & Redux - eCommerce Platform

Featured Project

MERN Stack & Redux - eCommerce Platform

An dynamic eCommerce platform powered by the MERN Stack, streamlining online retail with MongoDB, Express, React, Node.js, TypeScript and Redux. Efficiently manages inventory, transactions, and improves the shopping journey.
React.jsMongoDBNode.jsExpress.jsTypeScriptReduxPayPalCloudinaryTailwindCSSGoogle APIOAuth
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Featured Project: RentEase

Featured Project

RentEase - Property Rental Platform

A versatile property rental platform created with Next.js, TailwindCSS, TypeScript, and Shadcn/UI, designed to highlight modern web development techniques.
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Featured Project: WebDevSpark

Featured Project

WebDevSpark - WordPress Theme Development

A WordPress Theme project, encompassing a wide range of features, such as custom post types, search functionality and WP REST API.
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